Abercromby baronefs
Addington, Sidmouth, V.
Amherft, Amherft
Anfon, Anfon, V.
Arden, Alvanley
Arundel, Arundel
Afhburnharn Afhburnham E
Afhburnham, Afhburnham
Afhley, Shaftefbury, E.
Baffet, De Dunftanville
Bathurft, Bathurft E.
Beauclerk, St. Albans, D.
Belafyfe, Fauconberg, V.
Bennet, Tankerville, E.
Bentinck, Portland, D.
Beresford, Waterford, M.
Berkeley, Berkeley, E.
Bertie, Ancafter, D.
Bertie, Abingdon, E.
Bigh, Darnley, E.
Bofcawen, Falmouth, Y.
Bouverie, Radnor, E.
Boyle, Corke and Orrery, E.
Boyle, Shannon, E.
Brand, Dacre, baronefs
Bridgeman, Bradford
Brodrick, Middleton, V.
Bromley, Montfort
Brown, Sligo, M.
Brudenel, Aylefbury, E.
Brudenel, Cardigan, E.
Bulkeley, Bulkeley, V.
Burrell, Gwydir
Burrell, Willoughby de Erefby, baronets
Butler,Ormond &Offory, E.
Byng, Torrington, V.
Byron, Byron
Cadogan, Cadogan, E.
Calthorpe, Calthorpe
Campbell, Argyle, D.
Campbell, Cawdor
Campbell, Breadalbane, E.
capel, Eftex, E.
Carleton, Dorchefter
Carteret, Carteret
Cathcart, Cathcart, V.
Cathcart Mansfield,countefs
Cavendifh, Devonfhire, D.
Cecil, Salisbury, M.
Cecil, Exeter, M.
Chichefter, Donegall, M.
Cholmondeley, E.
Clifford, Clifford of Chudleigh
Clinton, Newcaftle,
Clive, Powis, E.
Collingwood, Collingwood Compton, Northampton, E.
Cornwallis, M.
Courtenay; Courtenay V.
Coventry, Coventry, E.
Cowper, Cowper, E.
Cocks, Somers
Craggs, Eliot
Craven, Craven, E.
Crewe, Crewe
Curzon, Scarfdale
Curzon, Curzon, V.
Curzon, Howe, baronefs
Cuft, Brownlow
Damer, Dorchefter, E.
Dawnay, Downe, V.
De Cardonnel, Dynevor
Delaval, Delaval
De Grey, Walfingham
Devereux, Hereford, V.
Digby, Digby, E.
Dormer, Dormer
Douglas, Queenfberry, D.
Douglas, Morton, E.
Douglas, Douglas
Duncan, Duncan, V.
Dundas, Dundas
Dundas, Melville, V.
Drummond, Kinnoul, E.
Duff, Fife, E.
Dunning, Afhburton
Dotron, Sherburne
Eden, Aukland
Edgcumbe, Mount Edgecumbe, E.
Egerton, Bridgwater, E.
Egerton, Wilton, E.
Ellis, Clifden, V.
Ellis, Howard de Walden
Elphinftone, Keith
Erfkine, Erfkine
Erfkine, Rofslyn, E.
Fane, Weftmoreland, E.
Fermor, Pomfret, E.
Fielding Denbigh, E.
Finch, Winchelfea & Nottingham, E.
Aylesford, E.
Fitzgerald, Leinfter, D.
Fitzgibbon, Clare, E.
Fitzherbert, St. Helens
Fitzpatrick, Upper Offory,
Fitzroy, Grafton, D.
Fitzroy, Southampton
Fitzwilliam, Fitzwilliam, E.
Foley, Foley
Forbes, Granard, E.
Fortefcuc, Fortefcue, E.
Fox, Strangeways, Ilchefter, E.
Fox, Holland
Gage, Gage, V.
Gambier, Gambler
Gardner, Gardner
Germain, Sackville, V.
Gordon, Gordon,
Gordon, Gordon
Gower, Stafford, M.
Graham, Montrofe, D.
Grenville, Giaftonbury
Grenville, Grenville
Grenville, Warwick, E.
Grey, Stanford and Warrington, E.
Grey, Grey, E.
Griffin, Braybrooke
Grimfton, Grimfton, V.
Grofvenor, Grofvenor, E
Hamilton, Hamilton, D.
Hamilton, Abercorn, M.
Hamilton, Dutton
Harbord, Suffield
Harcourt , Harcourt, E.
Harley, Oxford, E.
Harris, Malmefbury, E.
Haftings, Moira, E.
Hawke, Hawke
Herbert, Pembroke, E.
Herbert, Carnarvon, E.
Hervey, Briftol, E.
Hill, Downfhire, M.
Hill, Sandys, baronefs
Hobart, Buckinghamfhire,
Holroyd, Sheffield |
Hood, Hood
Hood, Hood, V.
Hood, Bridport, V.
Howard, Norfolk, D.
Howard, Effingham, E.
Howard, Suffolk, E.
Howard, Carlifle, E.
Hutchinfon, Hutchinfon
Irby, Boftan
Jenkinfon, Liverpool, E.
Jenkinfon, Hawkefbury
Jervis, St. Vincent, E.
Kennedy, Caffilis, E.
Kenyan, Kenyan
Keppel, Albemarle, E.
King, King
Kynynmonnd, Minto
Lafcelles, Harewood
Lake, Lake., V.
Law, Ellenborough
Legge, Dartmouth, E.
Legge, Stawell
Lenox, Richmond, D.
Lifter, Ribblefdale,
Loftus, Ely, M.
Lowther, Lonfdale, E.
Lygon, Beauchamp
Lyttelton, Lyttelton
Mackenzie, Seaforth
Maitland, Lauderdale, E.
Manners, Rutland, D.
Manners, Manners
Marfham, Romney, E.
Maynard, Maynard, V.
Middleton, Barham
Milford, Redefdale
Monfon, Monfon
Montagu, Manchefter, D.
Montagu Scott, Montagu
Montagu, Sandwich, E.
Montgomery, Eglinton, E.
Moore, Drogheda, M.
Mordaunt, Peterborough, E.
Moreton, Ducie
Murray, Athol, D.
Murray, Mansfield, E.
Naffau, Rochfort, E.
Nelfon, Nelfon, E.
Neville, Abergavenny, E.
Noel, Wentworth, V.
North, Guilford, E.
Norton, Grantley
Onflow, Onfiow, E.
Ofborne, Leeds, D.
Paget, Uxbridge, E.
Parker, Macclesfield, E.
Parker, Boringdon
Paulet, Winchefter, M.
Peachy, Selfey
Pelham, Chichefter, E.
Pelham, Yarborough
Perceval, Arden
Perceval, Egmont, E.
Percy, Northumherland, D.
Petty, Lanfdowne, M.
Petre, Petre
Phipps, Mulgrave
Pierrepont, Manvers, E.
Pitt, Chatham, E.
Pitt, Rivers
Ponfonby, Befborough, E.
Ponfonby, Ponfonby
Poulett, Poulett, E.
Powis, Lilford
Powlett, Bolton
Pratt, Camden, E.
Proby, Carysfort, E.
Pulteney, Bath, countefs
Robinfon, Grantham
Rodney, Rodney
Rolle, Rolle
Roper, Teynham
Rous, Rous
Rufhout, Northwick
Ruffel, Bedford, D.
Ryder, Harrowby
Sackville, Dorfet, D.
St. John, Bolingbroke, V,
St. John, St. John of Bletfo
Scott, Buccleugh, D.
Scott, Montagu, Montagu
Scot, Eldon
Seymour, Somerfet, D.
Seymour, Hertford, M.
Sherard, Harborough, E.
Shirley, Ferrets, E.
Smith, Carrington
Somerfet, Beaufort, D.
Southwell, de Clifford
Spencer, Marlborough, D.
Spencer, Spencer, E.
Spencer, Spencer
Stanhope, Chefterfreld, E.
Stanhope, Stanhope, E.
Stanhope, Harrington, E.
Stanley, Derby, E.
Stapleton, Le De Spencer
Stewart, Moray, E.
Stewart, Galloway, E.
Stopford, Courtown, E.
Stourton, Stourton
Stuart, Bute, M.
Talbot, Shrewfbury, E.
Talbot, Talbot, E.
Temple, Buckingham, M.
Thurlow, Thurlow
Thynne, Bath, NT.
Townfhend,Townfhend, M.
Townfhend, Leicefter, E.
Townfhend, Sydney, V.
Townfhend, Bayning
Trefufis, Clinton and Saye
Tuchet, Audley
Tufton, Thanet, E.
Twifelton, Say and Sete
Vane, Darlington, E
Verney, Willoughby de Broke
Vernon, Vernon
Villiers, Jerfey, E.
Villiers, Clarendon, E.
Waldegrave, Waldegrave, E.
Wallop, Portfmouth, E. .
Walpole, Orford, E.
Ward, Dudley & Ward, V.
Watfon, Sondes
Wellefley, Wellefley, M.
Weft, Delawar, E.
Willoughby, Middleton
Windfor, Plymouth, E.
Wodehoufe, Wodehoufe
Wyndham, Egremont, E.
Yelverton, Grey de Ruthyn
Yorke, Hardwicke, E. |