Gunton Parish |
British Isles Genealogy | County of Suffolk | ||||||||
Gunton or Gabbatuna
The lordship of this parish was anciently the estate of the Lowdhams; then it
belonged to the Ingloses; and Sir Henry Inglose by his will, dated in 1451,
directs his manors of Gunton and Hop-ton, to be disposed of by his executors, to
discharge his just debts. This manor became since vested in the Blomviles,
Wroths, and Holies; and afterwards in Sir Charles Saunders, K.B., a gallant
Vice-Admiral, who for his distinguished services was much honored by his
Sovereign, and respected by his country. He died in 1775. Topographical and Genealogical, The County of Suffolk, 1844, Augustine Page |
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