Walderswick Parish |
British Isles Genealogy | County of Suffolk | ||||||||
A hamlet of Bliburgh, formerly both populous and wealthy, if we may judge from
the size of its church, and the stateliness of its structure; and was held in
high esteem by, and participated in many favors from the Crown. As trade
decreased at Dunwich, by the alteration of that port, a proportionate increase
took place at this port; when the town grew into repute, and established
commerce with other ports. The Covenant fur Building Walberswick Steeple.
"This Bille endentyd Witnessith, that on the Tewesday next after the Feste of
Seynt Mathie Apostle; the fourte Zeer of King Henry the sexte, a Comenaunt was
maked byt-wyn Thomas Baugot, Thomas Wolfard, William Ambrynghale, and Thomas
Pellyng, of the Town of Walbureswyk, on the one Partye; and Richard Russel, of
Donewich, and Adam Powle, of Blythtburgh, Masons, on the other Partye, that is
to seyne. That the fornseid Richard and Adam schal make, or do make a Stepel
joyned to the Cherche of Walbureswyk fornseid; with foure Betraas, and one Vice,
and tirwelse foote wyde, and sexe foote thikke; the Walles, the Wallyng, the
Tabellyng, and the Orbyng sewtly, after the Stepil of Dunstale, well, and
trewely, and competently; a Dore in the West also good, as the Dore in the
Stepel of Halesworth, and a Wyndowe of foure Dayes above the Dore, sewtly after
the Wyndowe of thre Dayes of Halesworth. And thre Wyndowes atte nethir Soler;
and eche Wyndowe of two Days, and foure Wyndowes atte onerer Soler, the Wyn-dowe
of thre Days sewtly after Halesworth. The fornseid Richard and Adam shal Werke,
or doo Werke, on the Stepel fornseid, two Termes in the Zeer, saf the ferste
Zeer zeerly, in the Tyroe of werkyng, of settyng, and leying; that is to sey,
bitwixen the Festes of the Annuncyacion of our Lady, and Seint Mychel
Arcbaungel: but if it be other Maner consentyd on bothe Partyes, and the
fornseid Thomas Baugot, Thomas, William, and Thomas, shal fynde alle Maner of
Mateer to the Stepel fornsaid; that is to ay, Frestoon, Lyme, and Calyan Wat,
and Send; and alle Maner Topographical and Genealogical, The County of Suffolk, 1844, Augustine Page |
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