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British Isles Genealogy | The Wallis's, The Complete Story | ||||||||
This story of the Wallis Family has been compiled in order that my family may have a reference in the years to come and will know something of the happenings through which our family has passed over the last two hundred years. I started collecting data in 1960, this was to help me sort and prepare my own "Family Tree". I was intrigued when my father told me that his grandfather Sergeant Wallis had owned a large farm in Elgin, Nebraska, U.S.A. Yet when I asked for more details nobody seemed to know much about it! . Exactly where it was or even if it existed at all became a puzzle I hope this book will help to clear. My search first took me to Haslingfield in Cambridgeshire where my grandfather Sergeant was born. It was there that I met John Layng a wonderful gentleman who was spending his time cycling around to all the parish churches in the area collecting and making lists of birth deaths and marriages which he had obtained from the old parish registers, he helped me a great deal and gave me copies of pages he was making. Later he sent me hand written copies of lists he had already made from other parishes and those within which our family name had occurred. Mr Layng already had given me a great number of names from which I was able to start my own Family Tree. John and I became good friends and we often met during my visits to Cambridge parish churches. John suggested I visit Shire Hall in Cambridge and there I met Mr. Farrar who suggested I join the Cambridge Family History society which had been formed a year or so earlier. From all these sources and data I had started to
accumulate I soon discovered that my Grandfather Sergeant Wallis had married
his first cousin Elizabeth Wallis and that both brides and grooms the
children of two Wallis brothers and two Sergeant sisters. With such an
unusual inter marrying family I just had to learn more about my ancestors At this time I was involved giving Service training schools all over the world for Clark International these schools involved me in a lot of world travel which included travel to America from time to time. On the first opportunity that came up I had I traveled out to Nebraska and drove out to Elgin to meet my contact Mrs. Robinson, she took me to see just where Sergeant Wallis had his farm. While in the area I looked through the local telephone directory and found some 25 Wallis's listed there? I telephoned most of the numbers and though some were too nervous to say much out of the 25 I felt certain 6 of them could have some connection with the Wallis family. I wrote to all six giving details of myself and what I knew of Sergeant Wallis and asking if they would write to me and give me details of their own branch of the Wallis family. I was only able to stay in the area two days for I was required in England to attend to my training schools but I soon received answers to my letters Written in America three replies gave me a great deal
of information. It came to light that these Wallis's I had contacted were
not of the Sergeant Wallis family branch; but a line which passed through
his mother Emma Sergeant who's father Page Sergeant had married a Mary
Wallis. Relatives of this Mary Wallis had emigrated to Canada and America in
the early part of the eighteenth century. Soon I had some addresses of
Wallis's in Ontario Canada and Iowa U.S.A. and wrote to each other details
we knew about the family. Sometimes I have had to assume just what happened so
many years ago, in so doing I must have made many mistakes but I had to make
these assumptions. If you my reader can correct these mistakes then please
do but do understand my main aim is to get what I have learnt over my life
time down on paper before I am boxed up and unable to write it. |
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