The Wallis's ~ The Complete Story

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However, Maurice did make a suggestion a chance which quite likely could bring mother’s life to an abrupt end but which might just work! Our cousin suggested Dad “give Mum another baby!! Dad Thought the whole idea was impossible for the paralysis was half way up her body, how could he

do such a thing! Dr Maurice said that was up to him and somehow Dad did manage it.
     Within a week clearly something was happening, Mum was pregnant but even better she was feeling better the colour soon returned to her she was regaining the use of her legs! A week later they returned home to England but this time the wheel chair was not required. My sister Yvonne was on the way and she was born the following October 1921.
     In 1922 my father planned and had built our house in Elms Road, Harrow Weald He was helped financially by his father, Page. Page and his wife had sold there house in Slough and moved to Harrow Weald. The house in Elms Road was designed with a self contained three roomed apartment on the first floor for Page and Amey. This left one large and one small bedroom, for our own family.
     Page Wallis was now semi retired from his catering business but carried on his “Tent Contracting “business, which he operate from the house. Page built a very large long shed half way up the garden. This was to store the canvas sheeting, poles and all the equipment involved in the Tent contracting.
     This shed was something rather unique being made from a wooden frame covered with wooden sheets to form a symmetrical box high windows ran down on one side. The whole box was covered and painted with thick layers of Bitamum. Our grand mother, often helped by our mother, used an old treadle Singer Sewing machine to sew miles of canvas, which was used in the tent covering.
     In May 1925 my brother Joseph was born already the house was becoming crowded for our parents had only two front bedrooms for themselves and the children. When Joe was a little older he slept in our grandparents room. However grandfather Page died in May 1931 and his tenting business was closed down.
     Our grandmother continued to live in the large bedroom over the garage but she now spent her day downstairs with the family and she gave up her upstairs dinning room which now Dad and Mum used for their bedroom giving them another bedroom. For the children the front small bedroom was now available to Yvonne.
     During these early years in order to help out the family budget. Dad rented a shop in Harrow and formed a partnership with a man called Abraham opened a House Estate Agents the business did not materialise according to Dad Abraham did not pull his weight and made little effort to get the business working. Dad was working in London six days a week and had to leave the running of the agents to his partner. The outcome was that they closed the business and Abraham went off to South Africa.


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