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Edward III
(Reigned 1327-77)
Edward III was a grand fighter and
a capable administrator. His ambition to conquer Scotland and
France plunged England into the fruitless Hundred Years' War. A
series of sensational victories at Crecy, Calais and Poitiers
made Edward, and his son, the Black Prince, the most renowned
warriors in Europe. But neither French loot, nor the ransoms of
the Scottish and French Kings, nor a skilful commercial policy,
could pay for their continual campaigning. As Edward grew older,
his vices and extravagance made him disliked. A population
halved by the Black Death groaned under heavy taxes, and
Edward's reign closed in gloom and distress. |
Richard II
(Reigned 1377-99)
At the age of fourteen the son of
the Black Prince showed his courage in facing an angry crowd at
Mile End. He took charge of the government at twenty-two, and
made a genuine effort to preserve peace. Tournaments and
pageants made England a merry place for the wealthy, but there
was want and pestilence among the poor. Queen Anne's sudden
death completely unbalanced Richard. His extravagance passed all
bounds; acts of revenge and tyranny turned his subjects against
him. When Henry Bolingbroke returned from exile, thousands
joined him, and Richard was deposed, dying mysteriously in
Pontefract Castle soon afterwards. |
Henry IV
(Reigned 1399-1413)
A far-sighted young man, Henry
Bolingbroke spent his youth making himself popular in England
and abroad. At the right moment he deposed his unlucky cousin,
Richard II, and made himself King. The new monarch quickly
learned how "uneasy lies the head that wears the crown;" his
brief reign was largely taken up with maintaining his position
against frequent rebellions. As a youth Bolingbroke was
attractive: physically imposing, though his health was poor;
rather reserved, but courteous: on occasion very witty; virtuous
at a time of much depravity. In later life he suffered from
disease, and died at the age of forty-five. |
Henry V
(Reigned 1413-22)
Henry's youth was merry, but on
succeeding his father he devoted his whole attention to
government. He conciliated the clergy by repressing heresy, gave
Parliament more power in return for money, and pleased the
nobles by invading France, "in pursuit of homour." Inspired by
the King's leadership, the "little band of brothers" defeated a
huge French army at Agincourt. On a second expedition Henry
captured Rouen, was recognized as the next King of France and
married Princess Katherine. Two years later he was dead. By his
contemporaries Henry was regarded as an ideal King-brave,
cheerful, considerate and modest. |
Henry VI
(Reigned 1422-61)
Fate cast this son of the warrior
Henry V into a sea of troubles. The war party in England was
strong and the impossible attempt to hold his father's conquests
in France continued. The House of York challenged Henry VI's
right to the throne, and England was plunged into civil war.
Frequently a fugitive, sometimes a prisoner, at best a puppet of
Warwick "the King-maker," the half-crazy King, consoled by
religious exercises, patiently submitted to the grossest
indignities, culminating in his murder in the Tower. Eton and
King's College, Cambridge still revere their founder's "holy
shade." |
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